Vehicle Coverage

Protect your vehicle and your budget from unexpected stress by adding coverage to your vehicle loan. You can add any of the following protection options to any vehicle loan – just ask your loan officer for details.

Guaranteed Asset Protection Plus (GAP+)

Because a new vehicle typically loses 20% of its original value as you take delivery, there’s a timeframe in which you owe more than what the vehicle’s worth. If your vehicle is totaled or stolen, the amount covered by your primary insurance may not be enough to replace your vehicle.

You can protect yourself against a potential loss of thousands of dollars with MEMBER’S CHOICE™ Guaranteed Asset Protection.* Adding Guaranteed Asset Protection to your loan will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re fully covered, even when the balance on your loan and the vehicle value haven’t caught up to one another yet. GAP is available to all members except those who live in New York.

Download GAP flyer:

GAP brochure thumbnail



Mechanical Repair Coverage (MRC)

A recent poll conducted shows that drivers intend to keep their vehicles for ten years or more. Most new car warranties last four years, so there’s a strong chance of having to pay for repairs. If your vehicle manufacturer’s warranty has expired or if it doesn’t cover certain mechanical problems, you could get stuck with some unexpected expenses.

That’s where adding MEMBER’S CHOICE® Mechanical Repair Coverage to your loan can help. It can deflect some of the risk of costly repairs so you can afford to keep your vehicle running extra miles and extra years. With three different coverage levels and deductibles to choose, there’s a plan to fit your family’s budget. We offer Mechanical Repair Coverage for auto loans in all states except California.

Download MRC flyer:

MRC thumbnail


For more information about Guaranteed Asset Protection, Mechanical Repair Coverage and MEMBER’S CHOICE Borrower Security, contact your loan officer at 800-914-8619.


*Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE Guaranteed Asset Protection is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan.  Certain eligibility requirements, conditions and exclusions may apply.  If you choose GAP, adding the product fee to your loan amount will increase the cost of GAP.  Prices of the refundable and non-refundable products are likely to differ.  If you choose either product and cancel within the first 90 days, you will receive a full refund.  If you choose a refundable product, you may cancel at any time during the loan and receive a refund of the unearned fee calculated by the actuarial method.

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